
Bibliography Sheet for Tape #326/327 June 9, 1978   Side 2

Robert Blakey, Select Committee on Assassinations
Room 3342, House Office Building, Annex No. 2. Second and D. Streets, S.W. 20515.

CHAIRMAN Louis Stokes, Rep. Ohio.
Richard Preyer, Rep. North Carolina
Walter E. Fauntroy, D.C.
Yvonne Brathwaite Burke, Rep. Calif.
Christopher J. Dodd, Rep. Conn.
Harold E. Ford, Rep. Tennessee
Floyd J. Fithian, Rep. Indiana
Robert W. Edgar, Rep. Pa.
Samuel L. Devine, Rep. Ohio
John B. Anderson, Rep. Ill.
Steward B. McKinney, Rep. Conn.
Charles Thone, Rep. Nebraska

Robert Blakey directly associated with mobster Moe Dalitz. Louis Nizer, attorney for Blakey, also part of JFK cover-up.

Write to members of the committee, or members of Congress, and demand this case of characters be charged with criminal neglect and the crime of ripping us off of $5 million for a fraudulent investigation.

George Ball "Diplomacy for a Crowded World."

"We must decide what portion of the present world population must die, and manage food supplies and development in such a way as to determine who dies and who lives."

William Paddock, Famine 1975

"We are going to clamp the borders of the US and Mexico down. Then watch them scream. There is nothing that really can be done with them. The population will have to be cut to thirty million people." We must reduce them from 58 million to 28 million.

William Colby, former CIA Director, June 7, 1978, United Press International.

"The greatest danger of violence and difficulty in the world is between the have and the have nots, them against us." "What is going to happen to that extra 60 million Mexicans?" "Twenty million of them are going to come here."

Joesten, Joachim, ONASSIS, THAT FABULOUS GREEK! Tower Publications. Undated, completed after 1970.

Gallery, July, 1978. William Hoffman, "WHO OWNS AMERICA?"

The Twenty Largest Private Corporate Landholders. How they run their corporations. The Ten Largest Banks in the USA.


Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 1976. $14.95 Find out WHY SUPPRESSED, NEVER REVIEWED, ETC.

Meredith Press, New York. 1969

Write and ask for reprints. Excellent book!! Full of Information. (If everybody in the USA had access to this book, Robert Blakey would be exposed properly!!!)
